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Everquest 2 Bot Program

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Welcome to Ogre Wiki.

Getting Started with ISBoxer in EverQuest. Follow the Recommended Quick Start Guide for EQ1 to get started in minutes!; Refer to our Manual page for EQ1 for additional detailed information; Our Guides section has more guides to help you set things up; The forum for EQ1 might already have answers to your questions; There is also a forum for EQ1.

  • What does this information mean? Fly to the Vultak Scavenging Site to release the bot. NOTE: When you land at (-625,137,-71)Copy/waypoint -625, 137, -71.09 the bot will be automatically spawned for you. It is not something in your inventory or something for you to interact with. Lead the bot to the portal to the Barren Sky (-716,145,-148)Copy/waypoint -716, 145, -148. You have 2 minutes to.
  • The best, easiest, freeist crafting bot has a whole new look! DaMob's EQ2-TSBot V.6.0.0 has been rewritten from the ground up and is leaner, meaner.

Vector magic desktop mac. This page is for the Everquest 2 Ogre Adventure bot and Ogre Crafting bot.

OgreBot is a fully customizable adventure bot. OgreCraft is an advanced crafting bot.

  • OgreBot and OgreCraft are part of the ISXOgre extension. However one thing to point out, ISXOgre does NOT do anything ISXEQ2 does. You REQUIRE ISXEQ2 in order to use ISXOgre.
  • Lastly, ISXOgre requires a subscription, see Ogre Pricing for more details.


Ogrebot is a fully customizable adventure bot.

  • Advanced User Tips - Been with Ogre a little while now? Next Steps found here
  • FAQ and Help - Including screen shots of examples of how to setup classes.
  • Did you know.. - Random pieces of information that will help you sleep at night.
  • Revision History - Here you will find the revision history. Every time a file is updated, I will do my best to include specifics of what was added, and any important details about it.
  • Feature Requests - Here you will find a list of items I have on my list to code. Some are new, some are upgrades etc.
  • Donations - Link to a Donation post.

Ogre Bot

  • Tabs - Click here for more information about each tab and to see screen shots.
  • Aliases - Aliases
  • Profile Aliases - Aliases
  • Raid Options - Raid specific options
  • Heroic Options - Heroic options
  • OgreMCP - Ogre Master Control Panel.
  • Uplink Controller - It controls other sessions.
  • Ogre Commands - How to load Ogrebot, as well as various other commands included.
  • Ogre Mapping & Ogre Nav - mapping and moving
  • Ogre Chat Window Commands - In-game chat commands that Ogrebot responds to.
  • Ogre info | options | config - Loads a UI for user information and other Ogrebot options
  • ForWho - Documentation for any place you need to reference a ForWho command

Advanced Usage

  • Torment Runes - Setting up Torment Runes to be handled by OgreBot.

Crafting - Harvesting & Depots

  • Crafting
  • Harvesting
    • Ogre Plant - Manages the house plant (Kunark Ascending Crafting Quests)
    • Ogre Goblin - Manages the gathering goblin
    • HireX - HireX is a script that allows you to run guild hall hirelings automaticaly and have them put their harvests into the GH depots.
    • Ogre Map - A zone mapping and WP marking tool.
    • Ogre Harvest -- In the ISXEQ2 Command Window type Ogre Harvest; should be used with Ogre Map, this will allow your toons to auto harvest.

Everquest 2 Bot Programming

  • Depots
    • Depot - Guild Hall Depot Management and Commands
  • Tradeskill Apprentice Managment
  • OgreBot and OgreCraft are part of the ISXOgre extension. However one thing to point out, ISXOgre does NOT do anything ISXEQ2 does. You REQUIRE ISXEQ2 in order to use ISXOgre.
  • Lastly, ISXOgre requires a subscription, see Ogre Pricing for more details.


Ogrebot is a fully customizable adventure bot.

  • Advanced User Tips - Been with Ogre a little while now? Next Steps found here
  • FAQ and Help - Including screen shots of examples of how to setup classes.
  • Did you know.. - Random pieces of information that will help you sleep at night.
  • Revision History - Here you will find the revision history. Every time a file is updated, I will do my best to include specifics of what was added, and any important details about it.
  • Feature Requests - Here you will find a list of items I have on my list to code. Some are new, some are upgrades etc.
  • Donations - Link to a Donation post.

Ogre Bot

  • Tabs - Click here for more information about each tab and to see screen shots.
  • Aliases - Aliases
  • Profile Aliases - Aliases
  • Raid Options - Raid specific options
  • Heroic Options - Heroic options
  • OgreMCP - Ogre Master Control Panel.
  • Uplink Controller - It controls other sessions.
  • Ogre Commands - How to load Ogrebot, as well as various other commands included.
  • Ogre Mapping & Ogre Nav - mapping and moving
  • Ogre Chat Window Commands - In-game chat commands that Ogrebot responds to.
  • Ogre info | options | config - Loads a UI for user information and other Ogrebot options
  • ForWho - Documentation for any place you need to reference a ForWho command

Advanced Usage

  • Torment Runes - Setting up Torment Runes to be handled by OgreBot.

Crafting - Harvesting & Depots

  • Crafting
  • Harvesting
    • Ogre Plant - Manages the house plant (Kunark Ascending Crafting Quests)
    • Ogre Goblin - Manages the gathering goblin
    • HireX - HireX is a script that allows you to run guild hall hirelings automaticaly and have them put their harvests into the GH depots.
    • Ogre Map - A zone mapping and WP marking tool.
    • Ogre Harvest -- In the ISXEQ2 Command Window type Ogre Harvest; should be used with Ogre Map, this will allow your toons to auto harvest.

Everquest 2 Bot Programming

  • Depots
    • Depot - Guild Hall Depot Management and Commands
  • Tradeskill Apprentice Managment
  • Transmute
    • In your ISXEQ2 command drop down window type Ogre Transmute - Loads the Transmute UI (supports to level 110 now)
  • Salvage
    • In your ISXEQ2 command drop down window type Ogre Salvage - Loads the Salvage UI (supports to level 110 now)
      • Please note you must have the salvage crafting AA in order to use this option

Faction Scripts

  • FreeportFaction - Freeport faction is a script to assist in the faction part of the betrayal quest.
  • QeynosFaction - Qeynos faction is a script that assist in the faction part of the betrayal quest.
  • Othmir - Does repeatable faction quests in Great Divide. NOTE: This script is a use-as-is. It is NOT supported or maintained.

Heroic / Raid Scripts

  • Heroic Zones
  • Heroic Instances - Heroic specific options
  • Raid Zones
  • Raid Options - Raid specific options

Other Ogre Scripts

Eq2 Bot Program

  • AutoLogin - Directions to set up some Auto Login scripts that will load multiple clients including across multiple pc's.
  • OgreItem - Currently in testing, only accessible by testers. An Item Database manager to help track what characters have what items.
  • Old Inventory Manager - Used to transfer items between toons and bags. A collection of scripts used to assist with inventory management.
  • Ogre Inventory Manager - Used for all your inventory Needs. Sell - Destroy - Trade - Transmute/salvage/extract and more.
  • Ogre List Manager - Used to create custom lists for later use in other Ogre features.
  • Ogre Ascension Daily Task - Designed to run characters to ascension trainers to get their daily scrolls.
  • Ogre Proving Grounds: The Underdepths - Designed to run the proving grounds solo for each of your characters automagically
  • Ogre Boat - Runs the Frillik Tide key quest in OF
  • Ogre Collection Manager - Both depot and inventory options for managing collectibles
  • Ogre HideEffects - Helps cut down the number of effects in your spell effects window.
  • Ogre TrackShiny - Helps track down shinies nearby, can sort out colors.
  • Ogre Zone Resetter - Zone Resetting User Interface
  • Ogre Export - Exports ability information for us in Ogre Bot
  • Ogre Ability Efficiency - parse your ability export and export it
  • Ogre TempAdorns - Make a List and Apply the List of Temporary Adorns to a Character.
  • Ogre Merchant Craft - Craft limited use recipes from merchant at merchant.
  • Ogre RPC - Checks your Raid Armour Patterns to see what is unlocked.
  • Ogre Infuse - Infuse items Automatically with infusers or Plat.
  • Ogre Reforge - Reforge into a predefined or self defined set of stats.
  • Ogre Adorns - Scans your inventory and Equipment and compares in a UI.
  • Ogre Experiment - Loads a UI so you can make a list of items to experiment on and choose stats etc.
  • Ogre Instance Controller - IC - Runs Instances for you.
  • Ogre Auto Target Balance - Loads a UI where you can enter some basic information and create an Auto Target list for balancing mobs health.
  • Ogre Smart Loot - Loads a UI to assist you in keeping track of specific looted items, and to ensure each specified team member acquires them.
  • Ogre Collection Checker - Scans inventory and depots in the area for Collection items still needed. If found, it adds them to your completed collections page.

  • Miscellaneous Scripts - This page is for other smaller Ogre scripts to be compiled


  • Ogre Affiliates - Scripts written and hosted inside of ogre
  • ogrea autoquest - Information about Autoquest what is scripted etc..


  • OgreIRC - OgreIRC is a IRC plugin that hooks into the uplink and allows control of some functions inside sessions.

Script Developers

  • Spew Stats - A list of all spewstats options
  • OgreBotAPI - Methods & Members for scriptwriters to utilise
  • Ogre Instance Helper API - Methods & Members for scriptwriters to utilise when making instance files
  • Ogre Utilities API - Methods & Members for scriptwriters to utilise when making instance files or local scripts
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